Tuesday, May 24, 2011


  Dunkin' Donuts 'rampage' caught on video... as mob of two dozen young people cause more than $2,000 in damage
 In perhaps the ultimate sugar high, nearly two dozen young people allegedly mobbed a Dunkin' Donuts in an historic district of New York City, 'terrorizing' employees and making off with sweets and drinks.
The 'swarm mob' rampage was caught on video, with highlights posted online.
According to local news site DNAinfo.com, the mob descended on the shop just after 8 p.m. on May 16, at 75 Christopher Street in New York's Greenwich Village neighbourhood.

Swarm mob: Some two dozen people went wild in a Greenwich Village Dunkin' Donuts last week, as seen on security video
Swarm mob: Some two dozen people went wild in a Greenwich Village Dunkin' Donuts last week, as seen on security video

Terrorized: This Dunkin' Donuts at 75 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village allegedly sustained more than $2,000 in damage, including destruction of a hot chocolate machine
Terrorized: This Dunkin' Donuts at 75 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village allegedly sustained more than $2,000 in damage, including destruction of a hot chocolate machine

Calm before the storm: The shop about 8 p.m., just before the alleged mob enters
Calm before the storm: The shop about 8 p.m., just before the alleged mob enters
In the video, young people can be seen hurling tables and chairs and seemingly snatching things from cases.
At one point, a woman in a pink top is seen climbing on top of the counter.
Employee M.B. Alam told DNAInfo.com: 'It was crazy. It was like [an] earthquake'.
Alam said a hot chocolate machine worth more than $2,000 was destroyed.
Filing in: In the blink of an eye, the store fills with young people
Filing in: In the blink of an eye, the store fills with young people

Mayhem: The young people can be seen tossing over chairs and tables, and apparently ransacking shelves
Mayhem: The young people can be seen tossing over chairs and tables, and apparently ransacking shelves

Employee M.B. Alam said: 'It was crazy. It was like [an] earthquake'
Employee M.B. Alam said: 'It was crazy. It was like [an] earthquake'
He said no cash was taken from any of the registers.
The alleged raid lasted about seven minutes, according to the website.
Frank Shaffer told DNAinfo.com he had been in the shop when it happened, and that he dialed 911.
Robert Ziegler, owner and manager of a bar across the street, Boots and Saddle, told the website it seemed like crime had been rising in the area.
He said his bar had been subjected to a similar attack a week before, in which youths stormed into the establishment, knocking over chairs, ripping things off walls and pushing customers.
Mr Ziegler said it took police 45 minutes to respond.
DNAInfo.com reports that there have been five reported muggings on Christopher Street in the past month, while reports of felony assault in the local precinct are up nearly 19 percent in the past year.
Snatching sweets: The alleged attack was said to last about seven minutes, then the young people started clearing out
Snatching sweets: The alleged attack was said to last about seven minutes, then the young people started clearing out

Last one out: Police say they are investigating the incident, while a neighbouring business owner claims his bar was hit a week before
Last one out: Police say they are investigating the incident, while a neighbouring business owner claims his bar was hit a week before

An NYPD spokesperson told the site they are investigating the Dunkin' Donuts incident.
Earlier in the month, a similar 'swarm mob' struck a Las Vegas convenience store, making off with $600 worth of goods.
At the City Stop store, a crowd of around 30 young people were caught on camera helping themselves to beer, soda, chips and even beef jerky.
They then casually waltzed out of the door without paying all the while laughing and joking with each other.
'It became a feeding frenzy,' City Stop owner Jon Athey told 8News Now. 'They were in the store for three minutes and 30 seconds. It's a pretty scary thing.'

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Over 25 percent of the performers from Wrestlemania VII have died

Over one-quarter of the performers who took part in 1991's Wrestlemania VII have died, a wrestling website noted in the wake of the death of "Macho Man" Randy Savage.
The Wrestling Observer newsletter discovered that 14 of the 51 performers at the event have died in the past 20 years, with many of the deaths attributed to drug use (link is subscription only).
The list of wrestlers who have died since 1991 include some of the biggest stars in the sport like Savage, Andre the Giant, Miss Elizabeth and The British Bulldog. Causes of death include suicides, murder and heart attacks, some the result of years of anabolic steroid use. Savage died last week after suffering an apparent heart attack behind the wheel of his truck. His ex-wife, Miss Elizabeth, passed away after overdosing on a variety of drugs in 2003.
Looking at the list is a sobering reminder of the realities of a make-believe sport like professional wrestling. Not all of the men and women listed played a part in their own demise; referee Joey Marella was the victim of a car crash that occurred when he was driving home from a match.

As wrestlinginc.com points out, none of the 44 starters from the Super Bowl played in 1991 have passed away and only two of 44 boxers who held a championship belt that year are gone.
At 58, Savage made it nearly a decade longer than some of his deceased colleagues.
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