Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hollywood.com - Recent News

Hollywood.com - Recent News

Gosling: 'I think like a girl'


Actor Ryan Gosling's female-focused upbringing and ballet lessons have left him thinking "like a girl".

Winner smuggled haute cuisine into hospital


Former moviemaker Michael Winner sent his wife out to buy him Michelin-starred meals during his recent health scare - because he doesn't trust hospital food.

Reed's wedding had 'music festival' vibe


Twilight star Nikki Reed made sure her wedding to singer Paul Mcdonald had a relaxed atmosphere by giving the outdoor ceremony a "music festival" theme.

Overstreet 'excited' about Glee return


Actor Chord Overstreet "couldn't be more excited" to be returning to Glee - just months after he quit the hit U.S. show.

Obama mingles with Hollywood elite on fundraising trip


Hollywood couple Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith have opened up their home as part of U.S. President Barack Obama's fundraising trip to California ahead of his re-election campaign next year (12).

Lohan's dad arrested over alleged domestic dispute


Lindsay Lohan's father was arrested in Florida in the early hours of Tuesday morning (25Oct11) over allegations of domestic violence.

New 'The Pirates!' Trailer is Silly, Swashbuckling Fun


Don't worry. It's not rated ARRRGH!

Lindsay Lohan Agrees To Pose For 'Playboy'


Supposedly she's getting close to one million bucks!

ABC Wants to Tell You 'Why You're Not Married'


Because you don't get enough of that from your mother.

You Can Now Watch The Full 'Happy Endings' Halloween Episode


Chock full of horrors and pop culture references.

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