Thursday, October 27, 2011

Eddie Murphy Speaks in the new issue of Rolling Stone

Eddie Murphy on the cover of Rolling Stone
  Murphy says that his days of making family movies may be over. "I don't have any interest in that right now," he says. "There's really no blueprint, but I'm trying to do some edgy stuff. And I only want to do what I really want to do, otherwise I'm content to sit here and play my guitar all day. I always tell people now that I'm a semi-retired gentleman of leisure, and occasionally I'll go do some work to break the boredom up."
 Gilbert Carrasquillo/
  Unlike other Saturday Night Live alumni, Murphy has refused to participate in retrospectives and hasn't been on the show in years – but he's gotten over his grudge. "They were shitty to me on Saturday Night Live a couple of times after I'd left the show," he says. "They said some shitty things. There was that David Spade sketch [when Spade showed a picture of Murphy around the time of Vampire In Brooklyn and said, 'Look, children, a falling star']. I made a stink about it, it became part of the folklore. What really irritated me about it at the time was that it was a career shot.. I felt shitty about it for years, but now, I don't have none of that."
Check out the Full Interview Here

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