Sunday, September 4, 2011

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Celeb Dirty Laundry

True Blood Season 4 Episode 12 Finale ‘And When I Die’ Preview – Video

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 08:46 PM PDT

True Blood Season 4 Episode 12 Finale 'And When I Die' Preview - Video

The final episode of True Blood is next week.   In tonight’s episode of True Blood there was an epic battle and it ended when Bill,Eric and the crew rush in,  Marnie’s head dude stands in front to save her and Eric proceeds to rip his heart out and drink the blood and then Bill shoots Marnie to death.  Are we done with Marnie? Not yet! As Jesus and Lafayette are in bed and Jesus is feeling bad about what he did, Lafayette sees Marnie  hovering over the bed and enter his body. The episode ends with Jesus taking on a Marnie smirk and she is back!  If you missed the episode catch our RECAP HERE!

Spoiler Alert!  In the September 11 episode the finale called ‘And When I Die’ It’s Samhain, Wicca’s greatest holy day, and spirits of the dead surface in Bon Temps, giving Sookie valuable allies to combat Marnie’s newest incarnation. Lafayette’s latest medium encounter imperils his relationship with Jesus; Jason finds confession good for the soul, but not the body; Alcide makes a heartfelt appeal to the woman he loves; Terry receives an unexpected visitor at Merlotte’s; Sam and Luna envision a storybook ending, for once; Nan wears out her welcome with Bill and Eric. Debbie confronts Sookie and Tara with deadly consequences, and the denizens of Bon Temps brace for a new crisis with a familiar face.

The video starts with someone wearing a red cape with a hood and across the video is written ‘Thought you were safe? Your past, will haunt you!”  Marnie is still alive so she will be wreaking havoc, Tara comes over to Sookie and says she’s back!  I wonder if she means Sookie or someone else?  The line about the past haunting us many mean a former character will come back.

Also in the video Jesus realizes that Lafayette is possessed and it looks like it does not end well for Jesus.  It is the witches new year the day that the veil between the living and dead is the thinnest.  We also see Eric and Bill silvered and Nan tells them ‘there has been an order issued on their heads’    Will they be saved before they are burnt at the stake?

Take a look at the video below and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!  Who do you think is coming back?

Entourage Season 8 Episode 7 ‘Second to Last’ Recap 09/04/11

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 08:12 PM PDT

Entourage Season 8 Episode 7 'Second to Last' Recap 09/04/11

Entourage is back tonight with the seventh episode called ‘Second to Last’.  The show is winding down and there is only one left before it is all over.  The show is Getting better week after week. Kevin Connolly directs this episode.   Last week’s show was another stellar episode they finally revealed Mrs. Ari’s name!  Johnny Bananas is back up and running, and Eric tells the guys that Johnny Galecki is sleeping with Sloan.  If you missed the episode catch our RECAP HERE!

Tonight’s show begins with Vince chatting up former lovers and videotaping them for Sophia who if you remember wrote about unflattering words about Vince.  Does Vince really love her or is it just because he cannot have her.

Turtle just can’t get a break with his new restaurant. His crew has bigger eyes than the budget and no one else is willing to help out.  The Deluca’s want a ridiculous priced restaurant and they are not willling to compromise.  It is twice what he has budgeted  for.  The Deluca’s tell Turtle will not be putting any money into it but they want 50% of the profit.  The restaurant owner wants $100,000 as a down payment and tell them Wolfgang Puck is look at the restaurant too.  The Deluca’s tell him they want that restaurant or there is no place.  He needs to call a few investors for more money if he wants to make the new partner happy.  Turtle’s investors are not happy and don’t want to give more money to him.  They are suspicious.

Drama goes over to visit Sophia and brings her the tape that Vinnie has made.   He tells her Vince likes her and he cannot understand why she does not like Vince.  She says she does like him but she does not date clients.  He tells her Vince is the best brother in the world and gives her the tape.

It is down to the wire  for Vince’s and Drama’s miner movie. Everyone loves the script Vince wrote (even Ari cries), but Drama is the deal breaker and Phil is mad at him because of Johnny Bananas. (Remember Drama walked out with Andrew Dice-Clay for more money)  Dana reads the script and tells Ari that it is very emotional and that if he sends it over to her she will send it to Hallmark.    Ari is really emotional about Vince’s movie and he is going to try and convince Phil Yagoda to give the TV movie the green light.

He has a meeting with his staff and tells them that Vince wants the movie for his brother and he is standing by Vince.  He tells his staff to find options for the movie and put them on the table by the end of the day.  Dana calls and says the script is an easy sell but Drama is not.

Sean tells Eric that Johnny Galecki just booked a big movie and Eric tells him he does not care he wants to dump him.  He asks Sean if he thinks it is right Johnny is sleeping with Sloan.  Sean asks Eric if it is fair that he is sleeping with Sloan’s ex step-mother.  Eric tells him fire Johnny or he is not coming back.

Eric is back in bed with Sloan’s step-mother and he is complaining about Sloan.  Enough already, ughh Eric is so whiny…   The phone rings and it is Turtle he has spotted Sloan and Johnny Galekci at the farmer’s market having lunch.  He gets out of bed puts his pants on and tells Melinda he is going to kill someone and leaves.

Vince is telling Ari how much he has fallen for Sophia.  Ari tell him if he really feels that way fight for it.  They are at Phil’s and they walk into his office when he is getting a massage.  Phil tells him he loves the script but they want a bigger name.  Ari tells him it is a TV movie and Drama will be great.   Vince tells him he is holding a judge against  Drama.  Phil admits he is upset because he was the only person who stood by Drama but then Drama walked out on him and he does not want to work with Drama again.  Phil tells Vince and Ari he is not sure he can get over it.  Vince says if he goes for the movie he will give Phil $100,000 for his favorite charity.  The guys walk out and tell Drama they are making a movie.

Eric and Melinda show up at the restaurant where Sloan and Johnny Galecki are having lunch.  Sloan is pissed to hell, she cannot believe Eric has shown up.  She stomps out as Eric is telling her off for sleeping with his clients, she says she cannot believe he is sleeping with her step-mother.   Eric’s parting shot, he never knew she was a slut.

Ari and Dana are in bed and Ari’s wife calls he does not want to get the phone.  Dana asks Ari if she is wasting her time, she does not have time to waste.  He tells her he does not know where this is going, he gets great feeling when he is around her, but he still loves his wife.  Dana tells him to go back to her and Ari tells her his wife does not want him anymore.  Dana disagrees and tells Ari his wife does want him, Ari just has to figure out what is missing.

Turtle just finds out that the Tequila company that he was part of went public and Mark Cuban made a bundle of money.  The phone rings and it is Sophia and Turtle is telling him that Vince is the best man he has ever known.  He tells Sophia that Vince takescare of everyone.   Sophia agrees to meet Vince.

The guys Vince & Drama walk in and tell Turtle that they are doing the movie.  Turtle tells Vince he has good and bad news.  The first news GOOD is Sophia has called and she has agreed to have a drink with him.   Vince asks what is wrong and Vince offers to put money into his restaurant.  Turtle tells him something happened today and the shares that he convinced Vince to sell went public and they would have made millions.  Vince tells him he did not listen to him, he did not sell and he actually bought Turtle’s shares and they made millions.

Vince tells them all he has a feeling a lot of good things are coming to all of them.

Over with Eric and Sloan, he is stalking her now LOL and he apologizes to Sloan, she tells him he is mean.  He tells her he wants to get back with her.  She tells him it is impossible, her family hate him and she loves them.  He apologizes fro everything he has ever done to her.  She tells him he has done more that he thinks and she tells him she is pregnant and she is going to New York City and she wants nothing from him ever….

Shows over with Eric’s mouth hanging open!

How did you like the show?  Sound out in the comments below!  Is Eric annoying the hell out of you to?

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True Blood Season 4 Episode 11 Recap – ‘Soul Of Fire’ 9/04/11

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 06:49 PM PDT

True Blood Season 4 Episode 11 Recap – 'Soul Of Fire' 9/04/11

It’s that time again, get your fangs out, your glass of true blood and a comfy seat, cause tonight is another episode of True Blood.  The show is winding down with one more episode after tonight and the war between the witches and the vampires is about to explode. as the preview for this week says ‘If you want peace, you must prepare for war’.  On last week’s episode at the end of the show we saw Sookie trapped in the Moon Goddess Emporium with Marnie/Antonio.  Meanwhile Eric, Bill, Pam and Jessica are going to Moon Goodess Emporium to blow the place up and take out the witches and perhaps Sookie if they are not careful.   If you missed last week’s show catch our RECAP HERE!

Tonight’s show called ‘Soul of Fire’ opens with Jessica, Bill, Eric and Nan ready to blow up the place (Moon Goddess Emorium).  Marnie/Antonio thinks they are idiots that they think automatic weapons will do the job and blow up the place.  Marnie tells the other witches it is not a prison they may leave at any time and she throws a knife in a circle and tells them to use that to kill the vampires.  She is making fun of them.  One of the people Casey runs to leave and Marnie makes the knife lift off the floor and stab her.  Ughh someone needs to drop a house on Marnie!

Marnie just puked Antonia out, and Lafayette & Jesus are the only ones can see it.  Antonia is mad at Marnie because she has killed an innocent.  Antonia tells Marnie she is not who she thought she was.  Marnie is doing a binding spell and binding her.  Antonio is fighting it but Marne wins!

We are outside with the vampires about to blow up the Moon Goddess Emporium and Jason runs over and say they need to stop because Sookie is inside.  All the vampires start saying F**king Sookie and Jason tells them all off.

They abort and Jason tells them Marnie/Antonia put a spell on the whole place.  Jessica is mad at Jason, he tells her he is still upset about what they did.

Over with Sam he is ready to avenge Tommy’s life he is trying to find out where Marcus is.  Luna comes in (Marcus’ ex wife and Sam’s new girl) and she is pissed Marcus took/kidnapped their daughter.

Marcus is over with Debbie and he is trying to convince her to go away with him.  Marcus’ daughter wants to talk to her mother.  Marcus tells Debbie they make sense together and he will get her off the ‘V’.   Marcus tell her that Alcide won’t give her what she needs love and tells her she can be a Mom to his daughter Emma.  She tells him she cannot because she loves Alcide.  Yikes she has been sleeping with Marcus ughh maybe they can kill her off.

Back at the Moon Goddess Emporium Casey, girl that was stabbed has a pulse says Jesus and he wants to try to save her.  Jesus and Lafayette take her to the bathroom  and Lafayette is trying to revive her and finds out Casey is dead.  Jesus took Lafayette into the bathroom to tell him he needs to make Antonia come out of Marnie’s body or she will kill them all.

Sookie tries to reason with Marnie tell her she understands sometimes she feels misunderstood.  She tells her they are all on her side.  She begs Marnie to end it because she has all the power.

Over to Andy in the middle of the woods complaining about Terry leaving him there.  He is a hoot he is talking to himself and fighting with himself.  He sees a light in the woods and a fairy materializes (Mirella) and sends a bold of lightening at him and he goes flying.

Emma, Luna’s daughter calls Luna, Emma does not know where she is.  Alcide looks at the cell phone and sees it is his home phone number.

The vampires are outside the Moon Goddess Emporium and Bill scream for Marnie to come out and not hide behind magic.  Sookie comes out and tells Bill, Marnie wants to negotiate.

She tells Marnie the protection spell on the Moon Goddess Emporium is un-penetrable for vampires.  Bill says that she has to let Sookie go.  Marnie says if Bill and Eric kill themselves she will will let Sookie go.  Bill agrees to her terms.  Bill is going to shoot Eric and then Pam will shoot Bill.

Pam screams ‘The True Death to Save Bo-Beep, I don’t think so’ she runs over, gets the rocket launcher, and shoots at the Emporium.

Alcide, Sam and Luna get to Alcide’s house and they find Emma.  Emma tells them Marcus is upstairs, Alcide and Sam run up.    Marcus and Sam are getting into it.

Back at the Emporium Marnie is telling the witches how horrible the vampires are because they would not deal.  What a monster she is ughh.  Jesus is going to casts a spell to attempt to unbind Marnie from Antonia (the spirit possessing her).   He is telling Lafayette he is going to release a bad part of himself and not to be mad at him.

Back at the vampires, Eric is fuming at Pam and she tells him she will not allow him to go to the true death.  Jessica is with Bill and then she turns around and sees Jason all burnt up and she runs over to him.  She bites her wrist and tells him to drink her blood.

Back in the forest with Andy and the fairy is sitting on Andy and she tells him he is handsome and she is kissing him and she tells him before they make love she has to know that she can trust him.  She tells him she is vulnerable and wants to know if he will protect her.  She makes him swear to the light he will protect her.  Andy thinks he has died and gone to heaven LOL.

Over at Alcide’s Sam and Marcus are beating the crap out of each other with lots of insults going on.  Debby is freaking out she does not want Sam to hurt Marcus.  Sam stops and lets him live.  Sam turns his back and Marcus goes for a gun and shoots.  Alcide jumps on him and breaks his neck.  Debbie asks him what he has done?  He turns around and tells Debby he abjures her, and tells her he is no longer with her, he will share flesh with her no longer.  She is weeping and he walks out.

Back at the Moon Goddess Emporium Marnie is trying to see what is going on outside with a spell.  She then asks to see the future and she sees herself dead.  She tells the witches the vampires are planning to kill them all and asks them to form a circle.  No one wants to do it.  Marnie tells them the vampires have no regard for their life.  She convinces them.  Meanwhile in the bathroom Jesus is cutting himself and getting ready to perform the spell.  I see a death in Jesus’ future to bad I like his character but I don’t think he will be able to stop Marnie.

Outside Jessica has helped Jason.  Jason thanks her.  All of a sudden the vampires have become robots under the spell of Marnie and  Jessica, Bill, Pam, Eric, are all moving towards the protection spell (sun) that will kill them.  Sookie realizes what is happening and with her fairy powers does something and the spell is broken and the vampires stop going to the protection force.

Marnie is going nuts she tells Sookie that she has betrayed her.  She puts a ring of fire around Sookie and the girls are freaking out.  Meanwhile back in the bathroom something is happening to Jesus.  Lafayette tells him he has to speed up Sookie is about to burn up.

Jesus is starting and Marnie and Antonia are starting to separate.  Jesus turns into a demon.   Antonio flows out of Marnie’s body and the fire around Sookie goes away.  The force field goes down and the vampires run in.  Bill with his gun wants to shoot everyone, Sookie tells them not to do anything to the other Marnie was holding them.

Bill says just Marnie and one male witch jumps in front of her to protect her and Eric runs up and pulls out the dudes heart and then drinks the blood from it.  Bill them proceeds to shoot Marnie many times.

Andy walks into Arlene‘s house and Arlene tells him Terry is looking for him.  She notices something is wrong with Andy.  Andy says something strange happened to him in the forest and it might have been the drugs but he does not know.  He tells her a women jumped out of a ball of light and she was so beautiful and they made love and he was good at it.  He tells her after they finished she went back into the golden light ball.   Arlene thinks he is crazy from the ‘V’ she thinks it poisoned his mind.   She tells him what is real is that waitress Holly think he is something.  Andy tells her she is right.  She is going to call Terry and tell him Andy is safe.

Back at the Moon Goddess Emporium Marnie is dead and they have glamored the people they have had too.  Jesus is upset but Lafayette assures him he did what he had to do.  Jason is sitting down and Jessica comes to see him to find out if he is okay.  He thanks Jessica again.  Jason tells her he is going to lose his best friend, even without her blood in him she is all he thinks about.  He asks her what he is going to do.  She tells him she wishes she knew.

Over at Lafayette‘s, Jesus is in bed with him.  Jesus is upset because Marnie is gone.  Lafayette tells him Marnie was a big girl and she made her own mind up about killing people.  Lafayette tells him he saved people tonight.  Lafayette tells him they are alive and safe and he is happy.  Jesus is clearly upset.

Oh no, as they nestle down to sleep Marnie appears above Lafayette in bed and takes over Lafayette’s body….. yikes the war is not over yet, Marnie is back.

What did you think of the episode?  Sound out in the comments below!

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Now A Trained DJ, Paris Hilton Expands Her Professional Repertoire

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 08:01 AM PDT

Now A Trained DJ, Paris Hilton Expands Her Professional Repertoire

Paris Hilton has now trained to be a professional quality DJ with the explosive Afrojack. There seems to be no upper bound to the talents and ambitions of Paris as she continues to diversify her portfolio of business interests and skills.

Afrojack’s real name is Nick van de Wall and he is a Grammy Award winning producer and DJ.

Spending much of the summer in Ibiza and Majorca learning how to work the record decks, Paris has prepared for top quality music production.  Paris was staying with the music team at the five-star Ushuaia Hotel in Ibiza where she was hard at work in the studio.

More: Paris Hilton WOWS Paris, Greets Fans While Shopping In France – Photos

Paris and Afrojack have teamed up to work on an album together so you know it will be serious and it will great! Paris has described Afrojack as “really dope” and hopes to get out her album as quickly as possible.

Paris Hilton as a renaissance woman – definitely!

Image credit to WENN

Jennifer Aniston Selfishly Abandons Chelsea Handler

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 07:52 AM PDT

Jennifer Aniston Selfishly Abandons Chelsea Handler

Jennifer Aniston is not the person you want to rely upon when the going gets tough. Her former best friend Chelsea Handler is learning the hard way that Jen can not be counted on.

Chelsea’s sitcom, ‘Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea,’ is getting killed in the ratings and Chelsea naturally assumed that her pal would be ready to help. No such luck for Chelsea as Jen has refused to do anything other than a brief cameo performance to help the ailing show.

Our inside source reported: “Chelsea’s hurt – she’s taking Jen’s ‘thanks, but no thanks’ as a real slap in the face.”

According to industry sources, the ‘Chelsea Lately’ host is “facing a disaster” with her new show after three main stars were axed before production even started.

“The pilot episode was a bomb – it wasn’t funny and the characters were unlikable,” the insider revealed. “Now they’ve decided to recast and go in a new direction. And Chelsea’s tearing her hair out trying to save it.”

More: Jennifer Aniston Protecting Justin Theroux From Angelina Jolie?

The semi-autobiographical show is based on 36-year-old Chelsea’s bestselling 2008 book of the same name and features ‘That ’70s Show’ star Laura Prepon as Chelsea in her 20′s.

Chelsea plays her frumpy older sister but she’s now struggling to come up with a different supporting cast and a fresh story line. No doubt that having popular superstar Jennifer step in would guarantee the show’s success but Jen is unwilling to lower herself and do TV.

The source says that “Unless it’s a cameo role or a turn as a director of one of the episodes Jen is out.”

‘Dirty Bieber Secrets’ Posts Sexual Fantasies about Justin Bieber

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 07:40 AM PDT

'Dirty Bieber Secrets' Posts Sexual Fantasies about Justin Bieber

There is a hot new blog out there that definitely moves well past the limits of good taste and it’s devoted to Justin Bieber.  A new Justin Bieber blog operates on the Tumblr platform and has the entire Internet scandalized. In fact, it’s just become a trending topic on Twitter because it’s unlike any other Bieber site the web has ever seen. It even has the very suggestive name of ‘Dirty Bieber Secrets.’

The new blog allows Justin Bieber fans to post their secret desires and fantasies about him on the site. Their posts can be as “detailed and graphic” as they care to make them. However, therein lies the catch. Because of the often explicitly sexual nature of the comments posted on Dirty Bieber Secrets, the site is open to beliebers over the age of 18 only.

The age requirement seems to be Dirty Bieber Secrets’ only restriction. Otherwise, anything and everything goes. Or as the blog’s introductory explanation puts it:

More: Justin Bieber Is Patriotic – Wants His Kids Raised In Canada

“Submit all your sexual secrets and fantasies. We all know that most of us beliebers get horny for Justin and want to f*** him. He’s just that irresistible. Be as descriptive as you like. Here is where you can let it all hang out. ;) Submit here!”

What does Justin think about this? We don;t know yet but his friend, Alfredo Flores, accidentally stumbled onto the blog and immediately sent JB the following Tweet:

“@JustinBieber WAIT until I show you what I just found… OMG just wait #DEAD -__- HINT: D. B. S.”

More: Justin Bieber Involved In Car Accident In Los Angeles

The regular Bieber fan sites wonder what Justin’s mom Pattie Mallette will say about her son’s new x-rated fan site.

What will Selena Gomez say when she finds out? Selena can’t be too happy about a site devoted to sexual fantasies about her boyfriend. On the other hand I guess its better that these sex fiends express themselves in harmless written fantasies rather than attempting to act them out with Justin.

Image credit to FayesVision/

True Blood: Season 4 Finale Sneak Peek Death Trailer

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 07:32 AM PDT

True Blood: Season 4 Finale Sneak Peek Death Trailer

Hold on to your seat fang bangers the end of True Blood is almost upon us.  One more week and with the teasers that True Blood has been releasing it looks like the finale is going to be all and more than we hoped for.  In this new video or death trailer it looks like a lot of people are in danger in Bon Temps, Louisiana.  The video is pretty unsettling and has most of the cast in some form of distress, either screaming, crying or holding guns.

The vampire/witch war brewing in Bon Temps seems to have come to a head.  The video opens with a hand dripping with blood and Sookie sobbing so I am assuming someone close to Sookie is going to be hurt or dead.  The hand looks like a women’s.

Several other people look like they are in danger.  Bill is being attacked by someone, not sure who.  It looks like Sam is going to get the chance to avenge his brother's death against Marcus the pack leader of the werewolves with a little help from Alcides.  Eric and Bill are in trouble they are silvered to a pole and being burned at the  stake.  Will Sookie be able to save them?  There is a lot of screaming going on in the video: Arlene, Tara and Sookie and Pam.  It looks like Jason has been burned, they cannot be killing his character off, Nooooooo.  Jesus also looks like he is in trouble.  Toward the end of the video Sookie is shooting someone.

At the very end of the video the words "Blood Will Be Spilt" and someone yells "Somebody please help us!" YIKES!! It sounds like Marnie’s voice but I can’t be sure.  It looks like the fourth season finale could be the best ever.  Take a look at the video below and let us know your thoughts?

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