Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Unsigned Hype Hussle Man J.










    Is it true? Is Hip Hop really dead? Well, the four main elements of Hip Hop are Rapping, DJing, Graffiti writing, and Break dancing; these elements are too specific, which has caused the culture to fade out as a trend, like many people thought in the past. Now, on the radio all you mostly hear is Rap, which is just an element of Hip Hop. Today’s focus for Rap is creating catchy and memorable songs to sell the most units possible, lacking any real substance to the music. 

As in other generations, there are always a few artists that rise above the rest to create something new not only to set a trend but create a new lifestyle and a new culture. The Midwest has produced many artists, but there is one that will rise above any that have come before him as the best ever living legend.

    Presented to the world from the Southeast Side of Cleveland, Ohio, is RAPPER, DANCER, SINGER, SONGS WRITER, MUSIC PRODUCER, ACTOR, BEAT MAKER, and POERTY WRITER, Hussle Man J. LiNQ. Hussle Man J. LiNQ's music is not only a new structure of music, but will influence lifestyles to embrace a new culture. His records mainly have socially conscious themes, but he makes many “feel good” songs to add an element of fun to always keep people dancing at parties. Hussle Man J. LiNQ's music and beats bring together many different musical cultures and genres to create a new sound.

Hussle Man J. LiNQ - Come & Holla @ ME.MP3
Find me on twitter @HUSSLEMANJLINQ


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